Bodily Injury By Accident Limit

Bodily Injury By Accident Limit,

Bodily Injury By Accident Limit Meanings:

Regardless of the number of employee claims as a result of an accident, the insurer will pay a maximum amount under Part II of Employee Accident Insurance for claims arising out of a single accident.

Literal Meanings of Bodily Injury By Accident Limit


Meanings of Bodily:
  • Forcibly move someone or your body.

  • Large scale as a whole.

  • Belonging to or belonging to the body

  • Sentences of Bodily
  • I dragged him out of the truck

  • Build ships off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, take them straight to the mountains and send them to the Pacific Ocean

  • Children learn to control their bodily functions

  • Synonyms of Bodily

    physically gratifying, bodily, fleshly, with force, forcibly, animal, physical, powerfully, violently, carnal, forcefully


    Meanings of Injury:
  • Injury case.

  • Destroying someone's feelings.

  • Sentences of Injury
  • He injured his back

  • Synonyms of Injury

    scratch, offence, abuse, laceration, cut, sore, tear, ■■■■, rent, graze, wound, bruise, gouge, slash, lesion, abrasion, contusion


    Meanings of By:
  • Identify the operating agent.

  • Show me how to get something.

  • Enter the amount or size of the margin.

  • Specify a deadline or expiration date.

  • Includes location or location of physical object near object.

  • Identify the period when something happened.

  • Used in sweet desires.

  • Compound

  • Sentences of By
  • Malaria can be controlled by parasitic attacks

  • The cost of this scam was several miles

  • I have to finish this report before Monday.

  • The body was found on the side of the road.

  • What you do is good for me

  • A car is passing by on the road

  • Synonyms of By

    alongside, by means of, along, in good time for, by reason of, beside, as a consequence of, by virtue of, by the side of, on the strength of, no later than, on account of, cheek by jowl with, as a result of, at the side of, concerning, as far as … is concerned, beyond, owing to, next to, abreast of, past, due to, according to, via, before, adjacent to, on


    Meanings of Accident:
  • An unfortunate event that occurs unexpectedly and unintentionally, often resulting in loss or injury.

  • An event that happens by chance or for no apparent or intentional reason.

  • (In Aristotle's thought) Owning something that is not necessary for its nature.

  • Sentences of Accident
  • There was an accident in the factory

  • Pregnancy is an accident

  • The new element is existence, which Oceana sees as an opportunity to own everything.

  • Synonyms of Accident

    misadventure, hazard, mere chance, difficulty, misfortune, tragedy, chance, freak, catastrophe, disaster, unfortunate incident, injury, contretemps, mischance, coincidence, ■■■■, mishap, calamity, problem, trouble, twist of fate


    Meanings of Limit:
  • Set a limit or serve it.

  • A point or plane where nothing grows, can neither expand nor cross.

  • Restrictions of any size or quantity are allowed or possible.

  • A point or value in relation to which a sequence, function, or sum can be gradually strengthened until it reaches the desired point or value.

  • Sentences of Limit
  • Boundaries of presidential power

  • In fact, the setting changes to a range, which is priced at 2.7182818.

  • Synonyms of Limit

    ceiling, restrict, freeze, keep within bounds, peg, place a limit on, check, maximum, restrain, hold, put a brake on, limitation, upper limit, curb, hold in check, cap

    Bodily Injury By Accident Limit,

    Bodily Injury By Accident Limit means,

    Bodily Injury By Accident Limit definition is: For an accident-related claim, an insured employee will pay under Part II of Accident Insurance, regardless of the number of employee claims resulting from the accident.

    Literal Meanings of Bodily Injury By Accident Limit


    Meanings of Bodily:
  • Body or related to the body

  • By forcibly transferring one's own person or body.

  • Sentences of Bodily
  • I got him out of the truck.

  • Build ships off the coast of the Atlantic, take them straight to the mountains and send them to the Pacific.

  • Synonyms of Bodily

    totally, entirely, altogether, wholly, completely


    Sentences of Injury
  • It hurt her back

  • Compensation for hurt feelings.

  • Synonyms of Injury

    snub, trauma, wrongdoing, insult, affront, slap in the face, injustice, slight, disservice, grievance, outrage, indignity, wrong


    Meanings of By:
  • Identify the agent in action.

  • Indicates the means of obtaining something.

  • Indication of margin value or size.

  • Set a time limit or the end of a specific period.

  • Indicates the location of a physical object near a place or object.

  • Indicates the period during which something happened.

  • in regards to

  • Used in sweet sausage.

  • Goodbye Spelling 1.

  • Secondary Accessories

  • In the absence of a particular competitor, the competitor is directly advertised in the next stage of the competition.

  • Runs made by the ball passing through the club were unaffected (extra note, not given to individual striker).

  • One or more holes were not played after the game was decided.

  • Sentences of By
  • Malaria can be fought by parasites.

  • The ■■■■ drove them miles away.

  • This animal always hunts at night.

  • For God's sake I can at least do that.

  • Partial selection

  • Pass for the second round.

  • Synonyms of By

    nearest to, hard by, neighbouring, abutting, overlooking, side by side with, next door to, connecting with, connected to, attached to, bordering, contiguous with, adjoining, near, by/at the side of, close to


    Meanings of Accident:
  • An unfortunate event that occurs unexpectedly and unintentionally, often leads to loss or injury.

  • Incidents that occur by chance or have no clear or intentional cause.

  • (In Aristotle's view) a characteristic of something that is not necessary for its nature.

  • Synonyms of Accident

    casualty, serendipity, providence, (bit of) good luck, happenstance, (bit of) luck, fluke, happy chance, piece of good fortune, fortuity


    Meanings of Limit:
  • The point or plane where nothing can, or can't, expand or cross.

  • Restriction on the size or quantity of something that is allowed or possible.

  • A point or value that a series of verbs, verbs, or sums of money can gradually come close to unless it is close enough.

  • Set or serve as a limit.

  • Synonyms of Limit

    arrest, restriction, regulate, delimit, demarcate, trammel, govern, rein, damp (down), fetter, curtailment, damper, circumscribe, restraint, control, bridle, inhibit, tie down

    Bodily Injury By Accident Limit,

    What is The Meaning of Bodily Injury By Accident Limit?

  • The definition of Bodily Injury By Accident Limit is: The maximum amount an insurer will pay for claims arising out of a single accident under Employee Accident Insurance Part II, regardless of the number of employee claims resulting from the accident.

  • Literal Meanings of Bodily Injury By Accident Limit


    Meanings of Bodily:
  • In relation to the body or the body.

  • Massive overall.

  • Injury:

    Meanings of Injury:
  • To hurt someone's feelings.

  • By:

    Meanings of By:
  • One that indicates the location of a physical object near a place or object.

  • Goodbye spell 1

  • Direct promotion of the competitor in the next round of competition in the absence of a specific competitor.

  • Runs made through the ball passing through the middle of the club (extra note, not given to the individual striker).

  • Sentences of By
  • The scandal cost them miles

  • That's all I can do for God's sake.

  • A car is passing on the road.

  • Passing in the second round

  • Accident:

    Meanings of Accident:
  • An unfortunate event that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally is often the result of a loss or injury.

  • Incidents that occur randomly or have no apparent or intentional cause.

  • Sentences of Accident
  • An accident occurred at the factory

  • Limit:

    Meanings of Limit:
  • The point or plane where nothing can, or can't, move or cross.

  • Restrictions on the size or quantity of something that is allowed or possible.

  • A point or value whose sequence, function, or combination of series can be reached slowly until it is as close as possible.

  • Sentences of Limit
  • Failed to show the limits of British power

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