Franchise - How To Discuss


Definition of Franchise:

  • Franchising is a type of license obtained by a party (franchisor) in order to gain access to the company's (franchisor's) knowledge, practices and brand so that the party may sell products or provide services within the framework. Company. Family name In return for accepting the franchise, the franchisor usually pays the franchisor an initial and annual licensing fee.

  • Rights granted or defined by the government, such as the right to vote in local or national elections (exercise of the right to vote).

  • Trade: (1) Manufacture of goods or services under patent process or trademark or market incentives. (2) Companies that enjoy this honor.

  • Law: To live as a legal person in a given jurisdiction in a given right by the government and to exercise the power of the company.

  • If a company wants to increase its market share or expand its geographic reach at a lower cost, it can franchise its products and brands. Franchising is a ■■■■■ venture between a franchisor and a franchisee. A franchisor is an existing or existing company that sells rights to use its name and idea. A franchisee is a person who starts a business by acquiring the right to sell the franchisor's goods or services according to the current business model and brand.

  • Synonyms of Franchise

    Validate, Australian ballot, Proportional representation, Canvassing, Enfranchise, Certify, Show of hands, Aye, Favor, Suffragism, Entitle, Indulgence, Yes, Poll, Plumper, Authorize, Legitimize, Diplomatic immunity, Ratify, Ballot, Yeas and nays, Nay, Cumulative voting, Immunity, Counting heads, Freedom, Snap vote, Legislative immunity, Exemption, Woman-suffragist, Give official sanction, Warrant, The vote, Single vote, Division, Voting, Privilege, Letters patent, Secret ballot, Polling, Straw vote, Give power, Diploma, Enable, ■■■■■ vote, Liberty, Deciding vote, Sanction, Royal grant, Grant, Voting right, No, Hand vote, Yea, Right to vote, Patent, Preferential voting, Brevet, Suffragist, Record vote, Referendum, Voice vote, Plural vote, Exception, Universal suffrage, Legalize, Voice, Plebiscite, List system, Casting vote, Write-in, Blank check, Transferable vote, Charter, Copyright, Hare system, Plebiscitum, License, Nontransferable vote, Manhood suffrage, Proxy, Affranchise, Household franchise, Graveyard vote, Rising vote, Permission, Representation, Vote, Carte blanche, Release, Concession, Viva voce, Female suffrage, Suffrage, Write-in vote, Special favor, Suffragettism, Canvass, Discharge, Suffragette, Certificate, Dispensation, Empower, Say, Enfranchisement

    How to use Franchise in a sentence?

  • A franchising is a business in which a business person, after paying a fee, is given the right to run a particular business along with his products, brands and knowledge.
  • A franchisor is a company that licenses several franchises.
  • While some franchises are established brands with less branded and less credible customer base, others are at risk and may require significant financial outlay from the franchisor.
  • Franchise agreements are complex and potential franchise costs and liabilities vary from offer to offer.
  • The McDonald's franchise has grown from a small hamburger stand to hundreds of thousands of locations around the world.
  • The New England Patriots, an NFL franchise, is by far one of the most successful franchises due to its percentage of profits and annual playoff frequency.
  • He wanted to start a restaurant franchise, but the initial cost of his blood was too high.
  • Meaning of Franchise & Franchise Definition


    Definition of Franchise:

  • Franchising is a type of license that gives the franchisor access to the franchisor's exclusive knowledge, practices and brands so that the franchisor can sell products or services under the franchisor's trade name. In exchange for purchasing a franchisee, the franchisor usually pays the franchisor an initial advance fee and an annual licensing fee.

    • Franchising is a business in which the owner approves his work with his own product, brand and knowledge for his franchise fee.
    • A franchisor is a company that licenses a franchisee.
    • According to franchise rules, the franchisor must disclose the necessary operating information to potential franchisees.
    • License fees for franchisors still vary by industry and can range from 4.6% to 12.5%.
  • An insurance condition in which a claim is not allowed, unless the loss exceeds a certain amount. In this case, the insurer pays the full amount of the claim.

  • You can define Franchise as, A legal agreement in which the owner of the company name, the franchisor, enters into an agreement with a party who does not wish to use the franchise, name or goods or services exclusively for sale. Often, the franchise agreement gives the franchisor strict oversight powers, which remain an independent company.

  • Meanings of Franchise

  • Permission granted to individuals or groups by the government or companies to carry out certain business activities, such as: b. Providing streaming services or representing company products.

  • Sentences of Franchise

  • Franchise dealer

  • Toyota franchised the group

  • Voting rights are limited to Estonian citizens

  • Synonyms of Franchise

    licence, grant a licence to, give a permit to, give leave to, grant authority to, authorization, give the right to, voting rights, give a licence to, give authorization to, give permission to, grant a permit to, grant permission to, grant leave to, give authority to, grant the right to, grant authorization to, allow, permit


    What Does Franchise Mean?

    Deduction in which the insurer is not liable for losses less than a certain amount. However, if the declared amount is exceeded, the insurer will pay full loss.

    The insurance policy clause states that the policy will not pay claims below a certain amount, but if it exceeds that amount, the claim will be paid in full. In this case, the deduction is defined as the absolute number.


    How Do You Define Franchise?

    • You can define Franchise as, A franchise is a type of license that gives the franchisor access to the franchisor's business knowledge, practices and brands and allows the franchisor to sell products or services under the franchisor's trade name. In exchange for acquiring the franchise, the franchisee usually pays the franchisor an initial licensing fee and an annual licensing fee.

      • A franchise is a business where the offering licenses the business, its products, inventions and knowledge for a franchise fee.
      • A franchisor is a company that licenses franchisees.
      • According to franchise rules, franchisors want to disclose important operating information to each franchisee.
      • License fees issued to franchisors vary by industry and can range from 4.6 to 12.5.
    • Franchise means, Legal arrangement under which the trade name provider, the franchisor, enters into an agreement with a party that does not wish to use the franchise's name or name exclusively to sell the goods. Franchise agreements often give the franchisor strict succession rights to the franchise, which is an independent company.

    • Franchise means, A deduction for which the insurer is not liable for losses less than a certain amount. However, if the amount is exceeded, the insurer pays the full amount of the loss.

    • You can define Franchise as, A clause in an insurance policy stipulates that the policy will not pay claims less than a certain amount, but will pay full claims if it exceeds that amount. In this case, the deduction is defined as an absolute number.

    Meanings of Franchise

  • Government or corporate approval of individuals or groups that allow them to carry out certain business activities, for example, as agents for the company's products.

  • Give a franchise (to an individual or group).

  • Synonyms of Franchise

    prerogative, seal of approval


    Definition of Franchise:


    The definition of Franchise is: A franchise is a type of license that gives the franchisor access to the franchisor's business knowledge, practices, and brands, and allows the franchisor to sell products or services under the franchisor's trade name. In exchange for purchasing a franchise, the franchisee usually pays the franchisor an initial licensing fee and an annual license fee.

    • A franchise is a business where the offering licenses its business as well as its products, inventions and knowledge for a franchise fee.
    • A franchisor is a company that licenses franchisees.
    • Franchise rules require franchisors to disclose important operating information to each franchisee.
    • The ongoing license fees paid to franchisors vary by industry and can range from 4.6% to 12.5%.

    A clause in an insurance policy that states that the policy does not pay less than a certain amount, but pays full compensation if it exceeds that amount. In this case, the deduction is defined as an absolute number.

    Meanings of Franchise

  • Franchising (individual or group).

  • Sentences of Franchise

  • Toyota gave the group a franchise.

  • The right to vote is restricted to Estonian citizens.

  • Franchise

    The right or license obtained by the franchisee to use the franchisor's business practices and other aspects of the business, such as proprietary knowledge, trademarks, to sell branded products and services.

    A legal structure in which the owner of a trade name, the franchisor, contracts with a party that wishes to use the name for the sale of goods or services on a non-exclusive basis, the franchisee. Often, a franchise agreement gives the franchisor a strong power to control the franchisee, which is a separate business, however.

    For some companies, this is a way to grow by selling their products and services through licensing relationships. In this contractual relationship, the franchisor grants the franchisee a license to operate under the company name. Typically, the franchisor defines the products and services offered to the franchisee and provides the operating system, brand, and operational support. McDonalds and Subway operate under a franchise system.
