Material Damage Policy - How To Discuss

Material Damage Policy,

Material Damage Policy Meanings:

A simple definition of Material Damage Policy is: A policy that covers property damage that can cause business disruption.

Literal Meanings of Material Damage Policy


Meanings of Material:
  • The material from which something is made or can be made.

  • Use facts, information or ideas in creating books or other works.

  • Cloth or cloth

  • Reference to or contain physical objects, not thoughts or spirits.

  • Important Related Content

  • Sentences of Material
  • The goat can eat more or less any plant material.

  • Here is some great material for pastors to use in their sermons.

  • A piece of black cloth

  • Insects do not destroy crops.

  • Synonyms of Material

    consequential, medium, data, corporeal, stuff, temporal, physical, secular, substantial, details, subject matter, statistics, of consequence, major, facts and figures, particulars, substance, important, concrete, significant, mundane, cloth, worldly, real


    Meanings of Damage:
  • (Some) inflict physical damage to the extent that its value, usefulness or normal function deteriorates.

  • Physical damage caused by something that diminishes its value, usefulness, or normal function.

  • The amount claimed or the amount paid as compensation for loss or damage.

  • Sentences of Damage
  • The ■■■■ caused severe damage to the city.

  • He received $ 284,000 in damages.

  • Synonyms of Damage

    mutilate, recompense, desecrate, deface, spoil, do damage to, reparations, reparation, harm, mar, impair, restitution, defile, destruction, vandalism, injure, vandalization, injury, blight, compensation, mangle, vandalize, redress, disfigure, blemish


    Meanings of Policy:
  • A mechanism of action adopted or proposed by a government, political party, company or individual.

  • Illegal lottery or number game.

  • Sentences of Policy
  • Controversial economic policy management

  • Synonyms of Policy

    system, notions, code, scheme, theory, attitude, approach, blueprint, strategy, stratagem, intentions, guidelines, schedule, stance, proposed action, position, plans, programme, line
