Definition of Privilege:
Special rights, benefits or protections that are granted or available to certain individuals or groups.
Allow one or more.
Additional, Extraordinary, Special or Special Benefits, Benefits, Exemptions, Exemptions or Authorities that have been granted to an individual or group as a right or privilege or to a legal person with formal certification, function, position, law or law Based on implementation. See also suffrage, privileges and law.
Synonyms of Privilege
Give official sanction, Charter, Copyright, Warrant, Virtuosity, Diplomatic immunity, Franchise, Entitlement, Blank check, Right-of-way, Validate, Authorize, Priority, Permission, Liberty, Deanship, Immunity, Seniority, Benefit, Entitle, Prepotency, Greatness, Birthright, Due, One-upmanship, Indulgence, Consent, Freedom, Inimitability, Advantage, Majority, Skill, Legalize, Prepotence, Ascendancy, Predomination, Authority, Patent, Superiority, Lead, Grant, Give power, Incomparability, Advantage, Excellence, Prerogative, Enfranchise, Legislative immunity, Exemption, Authorization, Sanction, Right, Birthright, Exception, Empower, Transcendency, Success, License, Transcendence, Favor, Predominance, Certify, Preeminence, Legitimize, Appanage, Allowance, Ratify, Perquisite, Prerogative, Dispensation, Leave, Accomplishment, Benefit, Boon, Enable, Preponderance, Discharge, Carte blanche, Concession, Precedence, Release, Special favor, Right, Certificate, Prestige
How to use Privilege in a sentence?
Meaning of Privilege & Privilege Definition
Privilege Definition:
Rights or immunizations have special benefits.
A simple definition of Privilege is: Rights, powers or protective rights that are outside the jurisdiction of an individual or group, such as the right not to discriminate against themselves after the Fifth Amendment.
Meanings of Privilege
Special rights, benefits or protective rights granted or available to certain individuals or groups.
Sentences of Privilege
English inheritance law gives privileges to the eldest child
Privilege: What is the Meaning of Privilege?
Rights or exemptions are given as special benefits.
Definition of Privilege: Rights, powers, or exemptions that a person possesses, or keys that are beyond legal remedy, such as privileges under the Fifth Amendment and self-harm.
Meanings of Privilege
Special rights, benefits or exemptions are granted or granted only to certain individuals or groups.
Giving concessions or concessions a.
Sentences of Privilege
British inheritance law prefers the eldest child.